United Airlines Flight Training Center

Denver, Colorado

United Airlines consolidated all pilot training operations into the existing Denver flight training campus at Stapleton. The existing campus consisted of six buildings, A through F, which together totaled approximately 470,000 GSF.

In all, the Denver campus houses 32 Full Flight Simulators (FFS) and 16 Fixed Training Devices (FTD). To support growth and to provide training facilities for new aircraft models entering the fleet, United Airlines added eight FFS bays and four FTD simulators, bringing the total to 40 FFS and 20 FTDs. The expansion, Building G, included all spaces associated with and in support of the simulators and flight-crew instruction, including computer rooms, briefing rooms, classrooms, instructor/pilot amenities, and simulator-technician work areas.

Project Information

Denver, Colorado
Completion Date
95,000 SF
Corporate Aviation

BOKA Powell Credits

John Orfield, Chris Barnes
Design Team
Lyn Diefenderfer, Marny Weaver, Dwight Germer, Olivia Freasier, Sabrina Ahmed